Sunday, October 2, 2011

no one man should have all that power.

the weekend? oh yes the weekend! so it turns out i didnt go to purdue as planned and i spent friday alone :((((( but staurday made up for everything! why? because i got my third date :D was like 2.. in 1.. kinda... naw fuck it, it was date number 3. it broke off into 2 parts. meating at tacobell for some lunch and then her coming over for a late SCARY movie. (and yes i did this so she would get scared and get close to me. and duh it worked) i had thought about the possibility of a kiss but it just never seemed there, but it will happen at least i hope. after that i pretty much just played gears 3 alone with watching the end of a few games.

you break me down and walk away as i burn to ash. but what you fail to know is that it is not my time to die and i have rose from these ashes to be stronger then i was and now your words fall of deaf ears, because here, there is no love for you.

i have so much school shit i need to do and i also might think about working part time at my old job for some money so i can take this lovely lady out some more. i still have one day left on my weekend maybe that kiss isnt so far away :) birthday in 21 day bitchs!!!

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